Potable Water – Procass Water

APRO Industrie can provide, under certain mining process, tanks up to 25000 m3 in France and internationally.

The solutions proposed by APRO Industry are particularly compatible with the leaching processes of gold and silver ore and have been used in Mexico, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso or in Tajikistan.
Furthermore The APRO Industry solutions can answer many storage problems related to mining:

•    Treatment and storage of water in life base
•    Truck cleaning water
•    Fuel depots
•    Fire fighting protection
•    Retention tanks or “calamity tanks”
•    Drilling applications

Les + Produits

  • Constant quality and easy to transport, whatever the geographic zone
  • Storage adapted to extensive stress ranges
  • Construction rapide, sans travail en hauteur ni soudure
  • The tanks can be dismantled and relocated
  • The tanks can be installed on “water tower” type structures for gravity feed supplies
  • Limited maintenance