Urban and industrial effluents
APRO Industrie designs, manufactures and installs 50 m3 to 25,000 m3 aeration tanks for industrial and urban sewage treatment plant.
Aeration tanks generally receive pre-treated and therefore less corrosive effluents than the corresponding raw effluents. Nevertheless, massive injection of air or oxygen in an aeration tank accentuates oxidation phenomena and therefore demands that the materials in contact with the effluent be corrosion resistant.
This is the reason why aeration tanks are generally enamelled steel with mastic seal or epoxy-coated steel with a mastic or elastomeric seal.
Bolted metallic aeration tanks may be fitted with all the accessories habitually installed on this type of tank: hydrojets, fine bubble aerators, scraper bridges, surface aerators etc.
APRO Industrie enamelled steel and epoxy-coated steel are fully compatible with the establishment of a fluidised bed (MBBR), a biological filter, ultra filtration units (BRM) etc. Bolted metallic tanks are also well suited to SBR type fluctuating level treatment systems.
Product advantages
- Competitively priced units
- Speed of installation of the tank: about one week for 500 m3
- Large diameter tanks (up to 40 metres) or great height (up to 15 metres)
- 28 years experience in the installation of bolted tanks